Merit Blog

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Connecting Systems in Workforce Development Programs

On the federal, state, and local levels there are an overwhelming number of workforce systems and tools with numerous requirements and access levels....

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Why Digital Transformation Must Focus on Service

Digital transformation is something of a buzzword for state governments. It’s a broad term invoking anything from excitement about modernization to...

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Why Mental Health Days Should Be an Ongoing Conversation at Work — and Making it Happen While We Work From Home

We’re all trying to adapt to the new world we live in. The COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place orders affect everyone differently. And though...

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How Architects Can Learn, Earn, and Experience More With Merit Opportunities

In the field of architecture, it’s rare that professionals are able to find every resource they need and every available career opportunity all in...

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Improving Workforce Development Access and Operations

The workforce development landscape has many, often disconnected, organizations that collectively assist people in getting back to work. Now,...

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Occupational Licensing in a Post COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has shed light on many areas that are in need of improvement. The necessary expansion of occupational licensing to universal licensing...

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Camp Merit: How We Planned A Virtual Camp

It’s a Merit tradition to host an annual camping trip for our employees. With COVID-19 cases still rising around the country, it seemed like having a...

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Effective Remote Pair Programming (Part 2)

After honing in on the basics of what makes a usual pair programming session run smoothly (as mentioned in Part 1), you’ll need the right tools to...

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How Merit Opportunities Can Benefit the Cosmetology Industry

Like many professions, cosmetology is an ever-changing field. With trends coming and going and techniques moving along with them, professionals need...

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Effective Remote Pair Programming (Part 1)

Pair programming is a software development technique where two programmers work together at one workstation. It’s a great way to improve code...

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How Merit Embraced a DevOps Culture

In the last decade, there hasn't been a bigger or more misunderstood buzzword in the development and operations worlds than "DevOps." Countless...

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