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A Better Way to Launch New Software: Software With a Service Can Help You Meet 100% of Your Objectives

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A recent study showed the top concern among organizations looking to adopt digital credentialing technology is that they lack the staff to support it.

AACRAO Impact Survey, February 2021

This finding does not surprise me in my 15 years of buying and selling many seemingly promising software solutions. At the onset, the vision of a new technology offering is very compelling. It’s easy to see the value of what it could do for any organization. What’s hard is making it work for your organization and its specific set of challenges. Once the ink has dried on a partnership, the next step — the critical deployment phase — is where I’ve seen many deals fizzle out.

This happens due to a lack of support and energy spent toward solving an organization’s real challenges. These earned insights have shaped how we sell our software at Merit via Software with a Service (or SwaS). We’re committed to working in lockstep with our partners to make sure they meet or exceed their goals by offering the following:

  • Managed services. We understand the need to ensure that everything — from the onboarding experience to integrations into legacy systems to informative marketing plans and helpful customer support — works for our partners and constituents.
  • In-house expertise. Our team understands the challenges government agencies face because we have deep subject matter expertise and backgrounds in education, emergency services, workforce development, licensing, the military, and other institutional industry knowledge.
  • Flexibility. As partners’ goals and needs evolve, so can their platform usage — even in complex and dynamic environments such as COVID-19 vaccination sites.
  • Speed and ease of use. Merit’s out-of-the-box solution helps partners react quickly to urgent needs. We can launch within days and weeks, not months and quarters.
  • Secure, enterprise-grade. The platform complies with the most security-conscious data privacy standards, such as HIPAA and SOC 2, making it work for any industry or organization.

We’ve adopted a SwaS model for all partnerships because software is more than zeros and ones. We’re driven by the belief that our own verified identity technology can be life-changing for organizations and their constituents. If you’d like to learn about how verified identity technology could help your organization, let’s connect.


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