2 min read

Merit Values in Engineering

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At Merit, we actively embrace a set of company values that guide our actions. These values serve as constant reminders to uphold a high standard.

Specifically within our Engineering team, these values take on a unique perspective, influencing how we collaborate and interact with one another.

Everyone Is a Friend, Even If They Don't Know It Yet

We believe in approaching every interaction as if we're meeting a friend for the first time. Whether it's a one-on-one pitch call with an Engineering lead, a technical interview over the phone, or a casual coffee shop meetup, our goal is to create a friendly and supportive atmosphere. When a candidate becomes a friend, our focus is on their success. We don't adopt the traditional "bad boss" mentality of silently judging and waiting for failure. Instead, we offer support, encouragement, and genuine excitement when the candidate performs well.

Upon welcoming a new hire, it's only natural for us to feel joy that a friend has joined us on our journey. We take the opportunity to celebrate this new chapter together.

Building a Network of Truth and Trust

At Merit, building a network of truth and trust goes beyond just our platform. Across departments and teams such as engineering, product, marketing, and GTM, we foster trust among team members. This trust creates an open and safe space for innovation, and promotes a sense of ownership.

Integral to this trust is the commitment to truth. We prioritize open and honest communication, even during challenging conversations. This culture of transparency, devoid of office politics, where everyone consistently presents their best selves, is a driving force for our positive work environment. 

Measure to Meaningfully Improve

While measuring to improve is widely used in application for analytics and business objectives, its reach can extend to improving workplace culture. At Merit, we measure to empower our employees too. For example: 

  1. Leave policies are not just measured to monitor excessive time off but are designed to ensure individuals take sufficient time to lead a fulfilling life.

  2. Performance reviews are solely focused on collaboratively identifying ways to consistently improve together.

  3. Work is tracked based on tangible output, avoiding gamified metrics like "lines of code" or other arbitrary measures that do not contribute to achieving our goals.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

This value emphasizes the idea that if we prioritize elevating the entire team rather than pursuing individual goals, we can accomplish more. Our team members are collaborative team players, and invest time in sharpening others skills. We also make a point to celebrate the success of others instead of solely focusing on personal achievments. At the end of each project, we have a recap session where we both identify areas of improvement and showcase team members meaningful contributions. By doing so, we demonstrate that our collective action makes an impact on our projects. 

How the Engineering Team Instills Our Values

To put it altogether, our values show themselves in working at Merit. In engineering, we have cultivated an atmosphere that embraces these values and helps us serve our partners better.

  • Everyone Is a Friend, Even If They Don't Know It Yet

    • We prioritize a friend-first approach in every interaction, embracing an atmosphere where we celeberate the successes of candidates who join our team. 
  • Building a Network of Truth and Trust

    • Our dedication to establishing a network of truth and trust goes beyond our technology, we create trust across departments and teams, creating an open environment for innovation and promoting a culture centered on transparency.
  • Measure to Meaningfully Improve

    • Beyond assessing analytics and business objectives, we include thoughtful metrics, such as leave policies and performance reviews, to cultivate a positive workplace culture, empower employees, and ensure a fulfilling work environment.
  • A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

    • We prioritize the success of the team over individual accomplishments and promote team members investing in each other's skills while celebrating collective achievements.

If you're seeking new opportunities, feel free to get in touch or explore our careers page. We'd love to welcome a new friend.


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